
Found: 9
Mind Control Your Chief

You`re applying for a new job. Go to your working space and login to system (guest, 1234). Follow your tasks and try to complete them without getting terminated. This game requires kinda lots of reading to understand your targets.

Point of view house luba

Welcome back to POV house - place where you can fuck real erotic model through the series of interactive videos made from first-ever person perspective which will let you to imagine that ot is you who is having fuckfest tonight! And tonight you are going to fuck Luba - hot dark-haired teenie who loves not only classic vaginal hump but ass-fuck and oral hump also! If yo have played previous vignette of this game (there was quite a lot of them - just check our website) then you already know that gameplay scheme here is pretty simple. All you need to do is enjoy the hump video and use dialog options in the bottom part of the screen to decide what will happen between you and Luba next. Enjoy this sexy tramp who is ready to give you any of her fuck crevasses that you want here and now!

Amanda's Approach

Busty blonde Amanda comes to see the doctor. She has a smallish problem. And she would like to know how to deal with it and things to do. Amanda looks very cool. She has a trendy hairstyle, big tits and a sweet smile. During the dialogue it turns out that Amanda likes to go without underpants and bra. And her chief is not glad with this conduct. Amanda does not want to lose her job and provides a mental domination session. But Amanda likes it when people look at her. Your mission in this game is to help Amanda. To do this, use the mouse and find the ideal places on Amanda`s body. First, place the mouse above her cutoffs and press. Amanda spreads her legs. Wow... she wears pink knickers. Act further and see what happens next.

Found: 9