
Found: 5
Hardcore Poker Lady Evelin

Even though the title of this game has the word``hardcore`` in it it is still the good old striptease poker and the h-word was employed here only to flash that if you will happen to win your sexy rival Lady Evelin enough time to unwrap her down completely then the game won`t be aroundon this instant and getting her poon to fuck will become your ultimate prize. The rules are simple - that you place your bets, get cards and trying to create the combination in your mitt finer than your rival and if you do then Lady Evelyn will be loosing not merely her virtual currency but her clothes also! It might take some time, some luck and undoubtedly some skill but sooner or afterward you will sense yourself as a winner in more than just one way! More stirp poker games you can find on our website.

Desire Job the Dialogue part 2

It is time to find out more about the job you got in the previous gig of this erotic game series and get an response on teh question - is this job of your wishes? And very likely the response will be``yes`` if you have been dreaming about the job where you can have dialogue with two hot blondes who are ready to do lots of kinky thyings to find the place... even when this kind of dialogue is not supposed to be among your duties at all! But thsi is the mostpart of the story that you will have to discover the way to deal with by yourself. Just ensue the story and choose the dialog options that will let you to enjoy naked tits and not the game on screen. And this is not an easy task as you wll see. This scene has function of switching text language from english to french in case if it will make your game walktrough more comfortable.

Found: 5